Welcome to The DarkWiccan's Lair
Things You Never Knew...


Things You Never Knew...
Fan Fiction

And Probably Didn't Want To Know
About DarkWiccan

First things first, I am not a Wiccan... I am a Pagan. I respect Wiccans, but I am not one.
My pen name actually came out of an inside joke some friends and I came up with while watching an episode of "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer" about a year and a half ago.
What the character of Willow practices on that show is NOT Wicca. It's not even paganism... it's TV Magick. Period.
So my friends and I were watching Buffy (A show that we all enjoy as my friends and I agree that Alyson Hannigan is the hottest woman on two legs) and I believe... yes it was... the episode "Tough Love", wherein Willow kicks some serious dark magick mojo on Glory's butt.
One of my friends shouts at the TV, "I smite you with my Dark Wicca! Tremble at my Eev-eel bath salts and aroma therapy candles!"
Needless to say, we all fell down on the floor in laughter. My friends and I joke around when we're upset... and at this time we were tremendously upset by the character of Glory "mind-sucking" Willow's girlfriend, Tara. So we put up our defensive wall of inappropriate humor.
Anyway... the term "Dark Wicca" stuck and it wasn't long after that I adopted it as my pen name, changing it slightly to "DarkWiccan" and began pumping out loads of Willow/Tara fan fiction (of which this site is primarily comprised).
And THAT my friends, was my origin.

Side note: Lawn Gnomes are evil. Thank You. That it all.